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Degrees-minutes-seconds to decimal degrees conversion and vice versa.
This online calculator converts the value of an angle given in the degrees-minutes-seconds to degrees, expressed in decimal fraction and back from decimal fraction to degrees-minutes-seconds.
Hip roof calculator
This calculator will help you estimate hip roof parameters, including rafters and roof area
The diagonals of a parallelogram
Calculator computes the diagonals of a parallelogram and adjancent angles from side lengths and angle.
Column method for multiplying numbers
Calculator shows results of the column method for multiplying numbers, can be used to check answers
Keyboard layout and password
Converts the word, typed in Russian letters into a set of symbols corresponding to these letters in English keyboard layout which is often used to create a Russian-speaking user passwords.
Prospect distance from the ground and line of sight distance between two observers
Calculates the prospect distance from height at observer and line of sight distance between two observers.
Matrix Transpose
The transpose of a matrix is an operator which flips a matrix over its diagonal; that is, it switches the row and column indices of the matrix A by producing another matrix, often denoted by Aᵀ
Matrix Multiplication Calculator
Perform matrix multiplication by entering the elements of two matrices. The calculator will compute the product matrix.
Math Worksheet Generator
Math Worksheet Generator is a simple yet powerful tool designed for elementary school students, parents, and teachers. With this calculator, you can easily create customized math worksheets for your students that will help them improve their math skills and knowledge.
Matrix Inverter
A matrix inverse calculator using Gauss-Jordan algorithm.
Week Number Calculator
Calculate the week number of a given date using the Week Number Calculator. This versatile tool offers four different methods of calculation to determine the week number based on your preferences.
Mathematical competition tasks
Calculator solving some mathematical competition task
Compass, magnetic and true course calculator
Calculates true, magnetic and compass direction (course, bearing) by a given direction, magnetic declination and deviation.
This online calculator gives the percentage of the value. It also calculates the percentage of the sum (e.g. the income tax of the net salary) and the percentage of the difference (e.g. VAT of the gross amount).
The amount of material for the mesh
It's required to produce a mesh with predetermined length and width, roughly square meshes from tape with predetermined width. It is necessary to calculate the total length of the tape.
Circular sector
Calculates area, arc length, perimeter, and center of mass of circular sector
Circular segment
Here you can find the set of calculators related to circular segment: segment area calculator, arc length calculator, chord length calculator, height and perimeter of circular segment by radius and angle calculator.
Mortgage loan early repayment date
Calculates the repayment period of the mortgage loan with differentiated payments (Sberbank), depending on the size of the payment.
Caesar cipher
Calculator encrypts entered text by using Caesar cipher. Non-alphabetic symbols (digits, whitespaces, etc.) are not transformed.
Solution of nonhomogeneous system of linear equations using matrix inverse
The solution of a nonhomogeneous system of linear equations using matrix inverse
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