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Week Number Calculator
Calculate the week number of a given date using the Week Number Calculator. This versatile tool offers four different methods of calculation to determine the week number based on your preferences.
Length of service calculation
Length of service calculation for several periods of work
Travel Duration
This online calculator computes travel duration given departure time and city and arrival time and city using time zones information
Sun position at a given date. Azimuth and elevation table.
Calculation of azimuth and elevation of the sun above the horizon for a given position and time. Table with one hour increments.
Date Interval Calculator
The calculator allows the user to add or subtract a specified time interval in days, hours, minutes, and seconds to a specified date and return two dates: the date plus the interval and the date minus the interval.
Time. Total sum
Calculator sums up input time intervals
Time Converter
This calculator allows users to enter time in various units such as days, hours, minutes and seconds in any combination and then normalizes the value into days, hours, minutes and seconds. The calculator also displays the entered time in other units such as hours plus minutes plus seconds, minutes plus seconds, and seconds only.
Time interval between two dates
Calculate time interval between two dates
Area de la Sombra de un Objeto
El área de la sombra se refiere a la de un objeto cuadrado o rectangular.
Time Interval Calculator
This calculator allows you to easily add and manage time intervals in a table, using the hours:minutes:seconds format. Whether you're tracking work hours, recording running times, or measuring any other type of elapsed time, this calculator can help.
Age Calculator
This online calculator determines the amount of time that has elapsed between a specific date and the current moment.
Date by the Julian Day Number
Displays Gregorian calendar date corresponding to Julian Day Number
Gregorian calendar. Julian calendar. The calendar eras.
The calculator converts Julian calendar date to Gregorian calendar date taking in account the calendar era.
Issue number generator
Issue Number Generator for unnumbered magazines & comics & newspapers. If magazine did not print issue numbers, only dates, it can number them all, f.e. all Sundays starting with specified date up to specified date
Date to timestamp converter
This calculator converts the date to epoch timestamp in milliseconds, that is, milliseconds since standard epoch of 1/1/1970, as used, for example, in JavaScript.
Monthly issue number generator
Issue Number Generator for unnumbered magazines & comics & newspapers. If magazine did not print issue numbers, only months, it can number them all, f.e. all months starting with specified date up to specified date
Days count in several date spans
The calculator gives total number of days in date span list. Each date span is defined by start date and end date. The calculator can exclude multiple date date span intersections.
How many workdays between two dates?
The calculator evaluates number of working days and holidays for a period of time. The calculator based on the U.S. federal holidays table recognised in most states.
Release Date Countdown gadget
This calculator allows you to configure the release date or event you want to track and use it as countdown gadget via new "Sharing" functionality
How many weeks are between two dates?
This week calculator determines the number of weeks between the first date and second date.
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