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Cylindrical Tank Inner Volume Calculator
This online calculator calculates the useful inner volume of a cylindrical tank based on its outer dimensions, length, and diameter and wall thickness.
Cylindrical tank volume
Cylindrical tank volume
Cylindrical Tank Volume Calculator
Use this calculator to determine your cylindrical tank volume in cubic inches and gallons even if one or both ends are rounded. Especially useful if you've cut the tank in length. If you've got a flat end just leave it blank or enter 0.
Cyrillic, mailto and URL-encoded symbols
This online calculator can generate mailto links with Cyrillic characters.
Daily Calorie Rate
Calculator of the daily calorie rate, taking into account the level of physical activity.
Date and number of working days (for Russia)
Calculator calculates the date of the initial date and the number of working days. Taking into account weekends, holidays and weekend shifts at work days, according to the published decrees of the government of the Russian Federation. Created by user's request.
Date by the Julian Day Number
Displays Gregorian calendar date corresponding to Julian Day Number
Date calculator
Date plus or minus date parts (years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes, seconds), time zone conversion.
Date Interval Calculator
The calculator allows the user to add or subtract a specified time interval in days, hours, minutes, and seconds to a specified date and return two dates: the date plus the interval and the date minus the interval.
Date plus days
This online calculator adds or subtracts a given number of days to or from a given date.
Date to timestamp converter
This calculator converts the date to epoch timestamp in milliseconds, that is, milliseconds since standard epoch of 1/1/1970, as used, for example, in JavaScript.
Date weeks out or before
This online calculator adds or subtracts given number of weeks to or from a given date.
Dates of the beginning and end of polar night and polar day at a given latitude
This online calculator calculates the start and end dates of polar night and polar day at a given latitude. The latitude of the observation site must be north of the north polar circle or south of the south polar circle.
Day of the week for a given date
This online calculator shows the day of the week for a given date
Daylight saving time
The calculator determines the nearest DST transition dates for a given date. It also displays the time transition history for a given time zone.
Days between dates. The historical version.
Calculates number of days between two dates taking in account the date of transition to Gregorian calendar.
Days count in several date spans
The calculator gives total number of days in date span list. Each date span is defined by start date and end date. The calculator can exclude multiple date date span intersections.
Decision tree builder
This online calculator builds a decision tree from a training set using the Information Gain metric
Declination and maximum altitude of the Sun above the horizon on a given date
This online calculator calculates the declination of the Sun on a given date and the maximum altitude above the horizon on that day for a given latitude
Decomposition of a square matrix into symmetric and skew-symmetric matrices
This online calculator decomposes a square matrix into the sum of a symmetric and a skew-symmetric matrix.
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