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Pangram checker
This online calculator can check if a phrase is a pangram.
Tips and tricks #7: How to make calculator with SVG image map
This article describes how to create calculator with image map using SVG image
Map of France regions
Simple image map of France regions to illustrate usage of SVG image maps
Rail fence cipher
This article contains two calculators, first can be used to encode message with the rail fence cipher, second can be used to crack message encoded with the rail fence cipher by brute force. Decoded simply outputs decoded message for different number of "rails".
Isogram checker
This online calculator can check if a word/phrase is an isogram.
PATHFINDER cipher checker
This online calculator decrypts digits encrypted by PATHFINDER type of cipher.
VARIANT DATE to datetime string
This online calculator converts VARIANT DATE (double) value to datetime string.
Points of the compass
This online calculator outputs compass point given direction angle in degrees. Different compass roses (4, 8, 16, 32, 128-wind compass roses) are supported.
Compass point between two locations
Given coordinates of two locations in decimal degrees, this calculator displays constant azimuth, distance and compass points for different compass roses.
Bernoulli trials table
This online calculator calculates probability of k success outcomes in n Bernoulli trials with given success event probability for each k from zero to n.
Tips and tricks #8: How to reuse existing calculator
This article describes process of reusing another calculator's logic (algorithm) in your calculator.
Quantity of heat
This calculator can find missing values in the relationship between heat and temperature: heat added or removed, specific heat, mass, initial temperature and final temperature.
Gregorian calendar. Julian calendar. The calendar eras.
The calculator converts Julian calendar date to Gregorian calendar date taking in account the calendar era.
Days between dates. The historical version.
Calculates number of days between two dates taking in account the date of transition to Gregorian calendar.
Thermodynamics – calculator for solving mixing problems
An online calculator to solve thermodynamic equilibrium problems, such as finding the final temperature when mixing fluids, or finding the required temperature for one of the fluids to achieve a final mixed temperature
Issue number generator
Issue Number Generator for unnumbered magazines & comics & newspapers. If magazine did not print issue numbers, only dates, it can number them all, f.e. all Sundays starting with specified date up to specified date
Date to timestamp converter
This calculator converts the date to epoch timestamp in milliseconds, that is, milliseconds since standard epoch of 1/1/1970, as used, for example, in JavaScript.
Progressive tax
Calculates progressive tax according to tax rate table.
Log-normal distribution
It calculates the probability density function (PDF) and cumulative distribution function (CDF) of long-normal distribution by a given mean and variance.
Gaps and missing numbers finder
This online calculator helps you find gaps and missing numbers in an integer sequence.
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