Calculating starting mass for combining 2 different concentrations with a fixed final weight

This page exists due to the efforts of the following people:

Chris Brandon



Created: 2023-12-15 02:45:28, Last updated: 2023-12-15 02:45:28
Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 (Unported)

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We would like to know what weights of each input product is required in order to achieve a certain % at a fixed final weight.

For example:
We have an order to produce a product at 75% concentration with a fixed total output. To create this concentration, we use a combination or 2 different percentage products. What weight of each product would be required to achieve the total weight at the correct %?
Variables we would have are as follows:
Final Total Weight
Final required %
Input 1 %
Input 2 %
Data results from the calculator would be Weight of Input 1 and Weight of Input 2

Current example I have is that we need to achieve a total weight of 5000kg with 75% concentration. We will use either 50% and 85% or 65% and 85% to create the final concentration.

Created by this request

Calculate weights of the mixtures to get desired final mixture concentration

This online calculator calculates the weights of the input mixtures of given concentrations needed to get the given weight and the given concentration of the final mixture

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PLANETCALC, Calculating starting mass for combining 2 different concentrations with a fixed final weight
