New customs duties on import of cars by individuals
It calculates the amount of customs duties for the price, age and engine capacity of the car.

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Russian Federation Government Resolution №943, published in the Russian newspaper on Fryday, 12 December, approved the new duties on import cars in Russia by individuals.
Duties for new cars for individuals already were excessively high (48% of the customs value), but now they rose by another 6% to 54%.
Major changes also affected duties of used cars (older than 3 years). As can be seen from the table below the customs duties for individuals increased significantly (from a half to three and a half times!).
Resolution comes into force exactly one month later, ie January 11, 2009 duty will be considered under the new rates. Citizens who recently ordered a used car from abroad may get a nasty surprise in the form of exorbitant increase in the cost of cars. It's especially bad for those who ordered used cars of age 5-7 years as in the subcompact category of customs duties there is an increased by more than three times, and on cars with more powerful motor duty has increased by an average of two and a half times!
If you have not lost the desire to bring a used car from abroad then you can calculate the cost of new Customs Tariffs: