Base64 conversion

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Created: 2015-01-17 13:24:44, Last updated: 2020-05-06 07:38:23
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I want a converter for base64 numbers.
Standard base64's digits is 0-9 A-Z a-z and + and /
but the last two digits not in sort order, so these type of base64 numbers are not sort-able.
Mine is 0-9 A-Z a-z and { and }
the last two chars "{" and "}" are in correct sort order.
The main decimal number is separated in 6-bit digits. Each digit is shown with one of those 64 digits, listed above.
e.g. "h2Ht" equals to 732701815.
I did write it in Excel, but it's better it be in this site.

Thank you.

Created by this request

Base 64 encoding and decoding

The calculators encode string to base64 string and decode back to original string. Special characters (+/) , generally produced by base64 algorithm, can be replaced by the data provided in additional parameter.

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PLANETCALC, Base64 conversion
