12 reason of delay with 5 categories

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Created: 2015-11-08 20:56:00, Last updated: 2020-05-06 07:38:23
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I need to calculate all possible cases of a 12 reason of delay
one reason may be very high, high, medium, low and very low
how can i get all possible cases based on those 5 categories?
for example
1- delay in work.....high
2- delay in submitting....low
3-delay in drawings.... high
4- delay in shop drawings.....very high
5- delay in approval.......high
6-delay by contractor......very low
7-delay by client....... high
8-delay by labor.....very high
9-delay by consultant.....low
10-delay in material....high
11-delay in concreting.....very high
12-delay in inspection........medium

this is only one case....how can i get all possible scenarios?
if one of 12 reasons have a change (for example from high to medium) that's mean it's a new scenario and so on.

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PLANETCALC, 12 reason of delay with 5 categories
