Mathematical calculator

Mathematical calculator can calculate a result value of given math expression. You may use arithmetic operations: (+-*/), real or integer numbers, pi constant and number of functions: sin, cos, tan , cotan , sec cosec, sech , tanh , cotanh , csch, arcsin , arccosec , arccos , arctg , arcctg , arcsec, exp , lb , lg , ln , versin, vercos , haversin , exsec , excsc , sqrt, sh , ch.

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Created: 2010-04-21 18:20:31, Last updated: 2020-11-03 14:19:27

Articles that describe this calculator

PLANETCALC, Mathematical calculator

Mathematical calculator

You may use arithmetic operations: (+-*/), real or integer numbers, pi constant and number of functions: sin, cos, tan , cotan , sec cosec, sech , tanh , cotanh , csch, arcsin , arccosec , arccos , arctg , arcctg , arcsec, exp , lb , lg , ln , versin, vercos , haversin , exsec , excsc , sqrt, sh , ch.
Digits after the decimal point: 10
Initial expression

Calculators that use this calculator

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PLANETCALC, Mathematical calculator
