Days count in several date spans
The calculator gives total number of days in date span list. Each date span is defined by start date and end date. The calculator can exclude multiple date date span intersections.

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To calculate the number of days in several date spans, fill in the following table. Every table row contains a span beginning date and span end date.
Date periods
Name | Beginning date | End date | ||
The calculator can process date period intersections differently.
- If the "Simultaneous events increase the total number of days" option is switched on - all the days in all date spans are added up despite possible span intersections.
- If the switch is off - the calculator counts all the period intersections only once.
The period end date is not included in the calculation. The calculator produces a detailed table and graph, which contain information on days counting and intersections.
We provide a list of wars in which Russia and its predecessors (Russian Empire, Soviet Russia, USSR) participated since the 19th-century beginning. An interesting fact is 34% of calendar time for the last two centuries, Russia was at war. The greatest contribution in this mark was made by The Russian Empire (46% calendar time spent at war). For one full century and small addition before replacing by Soviet Russia, The Russian Empire completed 14 wars, sometimes 3 wars were running simultaneously.