Conversion of share to percentage of total

This online calculator converts the number/size/volume/share of parts to a percentage of the total number/size/volume/share

This page exists due to the efforts of the following people:



Created: 11 months ago, Last updated: 11 months ago

This simple calculator summarizes the volume/size/number of all parts entered and calculates the percentage of each part in the whole by dividing the size of the part by the total size. Parts and their fractions are more easily entered by clicking the import button and entering the part name and size on each line with semicolons

PLANETCALC, Conversion of share to percentage of total

Conversion of share to percentage of total


PartPart size
sample A12
sample B5
sample C3
Items per page:
1-3 of 3

Percentage share

The file is very large. Browser slowdown may occur during loading and creation.


sample A60 %
sample B25 %
sample C15 %
Digits after the decimal point: 2

URL copied to clipboard
PLANETCALC, Conversion of share to percentage of total
