Bell triangle
This online calculator constructs the Bell triangle for the given number of rows.

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The calculator constructs the Bell triangle for the given number of rows. The values of the triangle elements count partitions of a set in which a given triangle element is the largest singleton1. The rightmost value of each row is the Bell number for a set of size n, where n is a row number, starting from 1. The rightmost value of n-th row is the count of all possible partitions of a set of size n. The construction of the Bell triangle is described below the calculator. Note that this calculator uses the "big integers" library (see Tips and tricks #9: Big numbers), so you can build pretty large triangles.
Construction of the Bell triangle
The number 1 is placed in the first position of the first row.
Row 1: 1
Each next row starts by copying the rightmost value of the previous row.
Row 1: 1
Row 2: 1
The next value in the row is calculated by adding the previous value in the row with the corresponding value from the previous row.
Row 1: 1
Row 2: 1 2(1+1)
Row 1: 1
Row 2: 1 2
Row 3: 2 3(1+2) 5(2+3)
And so on...