Calculating the partial derivative by its definition
This online calculator performs numerical differentiation of a function of several variables - the approximate calculation of all partial derivatives of a function at a given point - over all variables.
The function is given by an analytic expression, so to find the derivative we use the method of going to the limit by successive approximations until a given accuracy is reached, similar to the method used in Calculation of the derivative as a limit at a point to calculate the derivative of a function of one variable.
Defining the partial derivative of a function at a point
on a variable
The calculator computes the value of the expression in constantly decreasing steps
until the desired accuracy is reached. At each approximation
the incremental step of the variable
decreases according to the rule
, where the initial step
and the parameter
can be set in the calculator (by default, the initial step is 0. 1 and the parameter a is 10).