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Playfair cipher
This online calculator encrypts and decrypts a message given Playfair cipher keyword. Non-alphabetic symbols (digits, whitespaces, etc.) are ignored.
Lines filter by number
This online calculator filters lines of text by removing designated lines or, you can say, leaving only designated lines
Log Summarizer
This online calculator can be used to summarize lines of text, using regular expressions to extract a unique value from each line, such as a date or session ID.
URL Domain Name Frequency Calculator
The calculator takes a list of URLs as input and extracts the domain name part from each URL. It then counts the number of occurrences for each unique domain name and displays the results in descending order.
Gravity Falls Bill's symbol substitution cipher decoder
This online calculator can decode messages written with Bill's symbol substitution cipher
Numbered list maker
This online calculator numbers lines of text
Line Reverser
The reverse line calculator is a simple tool that takes a block of text as input, breaks it into individual lines, and then reverses the order of the lines. This can be useful in a variety of situations where you need to quickly reverse the order of lines in a document or piece of code, such as when working with logs, scripts, or data files.
Text fitness
This online calculator computes text "fitness". That is, how similar the given text to other texts written in English language.
Symbol Generator
The random symbol generator is a simple tool that allows users to generate a specified number of symbols randomly selected from a given set of symbols. Users can choose the number of paragraphs and the number of symbols per paragraph to be generated.
CSV to JSON Mapping Tool
The calculator converts CSV table to JSON array of objects using a given map of CSV columns to object property names, and allows the user to paste CSV contents, tweak field separators, and replace empty strings with nulls in the JSON.
Substitution cipher tool
A tool to encrypt/decrypt messages with a simple substitution cipher given as the key. It is also useful for manual cryptanalysis of a substitution cipher - when you have a message written in the English alphabet partially decrypted with an automatic tool and want to tweak the key.
Text fitness (version 2)
This online calculator calculates measure known as fitness score, of how given text is similar to a typical English text. It uses frequencies of unigrams, bigrams and trigrams to calculate fitness score. The reference frequencies are calculated from Leipzig Corpora Collection and can be downloaded from The less value you get, the better.
Text fitness (version 3)
This online calculator calculates measure known as fitness score, of how given text is similar to a typical English text. It uses logarithms of probabilities with normalization to calculate fitness score. The reference frequencies are calculated from Leipzig Corpora Collection and can be downloaded from The less value you get, the better.
Automated Vigenère cipher decoder
This online calculator provides aid in finding Vigenère cipher key if you can guess part of the encrypted text. It just automates some routine calculations, which you would perform manually otherwise.
Caesar cipher with numbers
This online calculator applies Caesar cipher not only to the letters, but to the numbers as well. Numbers expands the alphabet and are included to the rotations. Other symbols except letters and numbers are not transformed.
String to list converter
This online calculator splits string by regular expression and outputs the list of matches (or first matched group)
Text file encoding
You can use this calculators to encode a text with an encoding.
Text file decoder
Using this calculator you can decode and read a text file in some encoding.
Unicode scripts and blocks
The calculators for counting number of characters per different Unicode blocks and Unicode scripts for a given text.
A2Z52 encoder/decoder
This online calculator allows users to encode and decode messages using the A2Z52 cipher.
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