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Time difference
The calculator gives a time difference in hours or minutes between two selected time zones for the current date and time.
Time between two dates with time zone
To calculate number of days, hours, minutes and seconds between two dates with time zones.
Gregorian date to Hebrew date
The calculator converts Gregorian calendar date/time to Hebrew calendar date time
Gregorian date to 365 days calendar
The calculator converts Gregorian date to the 365 day calendar date. The calendar has 12 months with 30 days each and 1 month with 5 days.
365 days calendar date to Gregorian date
The calculator converts a date in 365 days calendar (Armenian, Ancient Egyptian) to a date in Gregorian calendar
Gregorian to fixed date
Auxiliary calculator for other date conversion calculators. By Calendrical calculations of Dershowitz and Reingold.
Fixed date to Gregorian date
The calculator evaluates the Gregorian date from the fixed date (integer number passed from the beginning of 1.01.01.
Ancient Egyptian Calendar
The calculator converts an Ancient Egyptian date to Gregorian date and vice versa.
Armenian calendar
This calculator converts a date to an Armenian calendar date and vice versa.
Gregorian date to Julian date
The calculator converts a Gregorian date to a Julian date
Coptic calendar
These calculators convert dates between Gregorian and Coptic calendar systems.
Ethiopian calendar
The calculator converts an Ethiopian date to Gregorian date and vice versa.
Roman calendar
The calculators convert dates between Ancient Roman Calendar and Gregorian calendars
ISO calendar
The calculator converts ISO date to Gregorian date and vice versa.
Hebrew date to Gregorian date
The calculator converts a Hebrew calendar date to a Gregorian calendar date.
Hebrew calendar
The calculator converts dates from Hebrew calendar to Gregorian and vice versa.
Gregorian date to Hindu mean solar calendar
The calculator shows the Hindu mean solar calendar date for an input Gregorian date
Gregorian date to the Ahargana day count
The calculator gives number of days since the Kali Yuga beginning.
Ahargana day count to the Gregorian date
The calculator converts heap of day since the Kali Yuga beginning day to the Gregorian date
Hindu mean solar calendar to Gregorian date
The calculator converts the Hindu mean solar calendar date to the Gregorian date.
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