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How many days are there between two dates?
This day calculator counts the number of days between two dates. It does not include the last day, so, there is 1 day between today and tomorrow, not 2.
How many hours between two days
This calculator helps you calculate how many hours between two days, for example, between Monday 8 a.m and Wednesday, 6 p.m.
How many months are there between two dates?
This online calculator calculates how many months are there between two dates.
How many weeks are between two dates?
This week calculator determines the number of weeks between the first date and second date.
How many workdays between two dates?
The calculator evaluates number of working days and holidays for a period of time. The calculator based on the U.S. federal holidays table recognised in most states.
How much does cash weigh?
The cache calculator gives the volume and weight of the cache in a currency.
How much time between two dates?
This calculator determines how much time, in days, hours, minutes and seconds, elapsed between the first date and the second date
HTML table to JSON array
Th calculator converts the html table code to JSON array with optional data transpose and compression. It also visualizes numeric data on chart.
Huffman coding
This online calculator generates Huffman coding based on a set of symbols and their probabilities. A brief description of Huffman coding is below the calculator.
Humidification Load Calculator - Find the Perfect Humidifier
This online calculator calculates the humidification requirements for your space by determining the volume of air to be humidified and the amount of water to be added per hour, helping you choose the right humidifier.
This calculator calculates Humindex, index used by Canadian meteorologists to describe how hot the weather feels to the average person, by combining the effect of heat and humidity.
Hydrostatic pressure
This online calculator can solve hydrostatic pressure problems by finding unknown values in the hydrostatic equation.
Hyperbolic functions calculator
Calculation of hyperbolic functions
Hypergeometric Distribution. Probability density function, cumulative distribution function, mean and variance
This calculator calculates hypergeometric distribution pdf, cdf, mean and variance for given parameters
ICAO MRZ Check Digit
This calculator calculates the check digit from the other digits/alphabetic characters in the entered series. The calculation is done according to the algorithm used by ICAO for machine readable travel documents. The description of the algorithm can be found below the calculator.
Ideal Weight Calculator
The Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator is used to calculate the ideal weight of an individual based on their height and weight.
Ideal weight calculator using Paul Broca formula
Ideal weight calculator using Paul Broca formula
Image color set
The calculator counts the number of colors in an image, finds the dominant color, and creates a table of colors that make up the original image.
Image Flip & Rotate
This calculator allows you to perform simple image manipulation tasks online.
Imperial to Metric and Metric to Imperial measures of length converter
The calculators below convert units of length from Metric to Imperial and from Imperial to Metric and display results as fractional values and as composite values.
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