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Complex numbers
The calculator displays complex number and its conjugate on the complex plane, evaluate complex number absolute value and principal value of the argument . It also demonstrates elementary operations on complex numbers.
3d coordinate systems
Transforms 3d coordinate from / to Cartesian, Cylindrical and Spherical coordinate systems.
Two arguments arctangent
The calculator gives an angle between positive axis x and the ray to the given point from point 0. The result corresponds to atan2 function, implemented in many computer languages and math libraries.
Vector Addition Calculator
This online calculator performs vector addition and displays vectors and vector sum graphically.
Synthetic division
Synthetic division is a simplified way of dividing a polynomial using only the coefficients of the terms in the polynomial. It is a shortcut method that avoids the need for long division or the use of the polynomial remainder theorem.
Is a point in a triangle?
The calculator determines if an arbitrary point lies inside 2D triangle. The triangle is defined by 3 cartesian coordinate pairs.
Equation of a line given two points
This online calculator finds the equation of a line given two points on that line, in slope-intercept and parametric forms
Equation of a circle calculator
This circle equation calculator displays a standard form equation of a circle, a parametric form equation of a circle, and a general form equation of a circle given the center and radius of the circle. Formulas can be found below the calculator.
Equation of a circle passing through 3 given points
This online calculator finds a circle passing through three given points. It outputs the center and radius of a circle, circle equations and draws a circle on a graph. The method used to find a circle center and radius is described below the calculator.
Find the distance and midpoint between two points
This online calculator finds the distance and midpoint between two points in cartesian coordinates.
Covariance calculator
This online calculator computes covariance between two discrete random variables. It also shows the expected value (mean) of each random variable. You can find the formula used for the calculation of covariance below the calculator.
Quick Sum Calculator
This online calculator sums up entered numbers. Any symbol what is not a digit, for example, a space, a comma, a semicolon, etc, serves as a separator. It is useful when you need to sum up several numbers but do not have speadsheet program at hand. Use the dot symbol as separator for the decimal part of the number if you need to.
The discriminant
This online calculator calculates the discriminant of the quadratic polynomial, as well as higher degree polynomials
Triangle Area Calculator
This calculator is designed to find the area of a triangle using different formulas, depending on the available information about the triangle.
Sphere Volume and Radius Calculator
This calculator is a two-in-one tool that can be used to find the volume of a sphere given its radius, or the radius of a sphere given its volume.
Equilateral triangle
This online calculator calculates characteristics of the equilateral triangle: the length of the sides, the area, the perimeter, the radius of the circumscribed circle, the radius of the inscribed circle, the altitude (height) from single known value
Equation of a plane passing through three points
This online calculator calculates the general form of the equation of a plane passing through three points
3D Vector Dot Product Calculator
This online calculator calculates the dot product of two 3D vectors
Magnitude of a Vector
This online calculator calculates the magnitude of a vector
Angle between two vectors
This online calculator finds the angle between two vectors
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