Finding the reactions for the chain of transformations

This online calculator attempts to find reactions for an entered list of substances using its database of chemical reactions.

This page exists due to the efforts of the following people:



Created: 2023-11-17 19:52:57, Last updated: 2023-11-18 08:42:04

The problem usually sounds like "write the equations of reactions of the following transformations" or "write the equations of reactions by which the following transformations can be carried out" and a list of substances is given.

The calculator database contains more than 500 reactions from inorganic chemistry, which should be enough for the school course. The calculator displays all known reactions with the previous substance in the reactants and the next substance in the products. If it fails to recognize a substance (for example, you made a mistake when entering the formula or there is no such substance in the database) or cannot find a reaction to transform one substance into another, the calculator adds question marks to the corresponding rows and cells of the table. If you think that there are no errors in the entered formulas, leave your reactions in the comments, we will try to figure out what doesn't work.

PLANETCALC, Finding the reactions for the chain of transformations

Finding the reactions for the chain of transformations

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PLANETCALC, Finding the reactions for the chain of transformations
