Weathering of alcohol concentration in the blood
Calculates the time needed for weathering of alcohol in the blood to a normal level

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Everything below 0.3 ppm alcohol concentration usually considered an acceptable level of alcohol in the blood.
There are different levels of intoxication:
0.3 - 0.5 - insignificant effect of alcohol
0.5 - 1.5 - mild intoxication
1.5 - 2.5 - moderate intoxication
2.5 - 3.0 - severe intoxication
3.0 - 5.0 - heavy alcohol poisoning
above 5 is considered a deadly dose.
Ppm is a thousandth of a substance or a tenth of a percent, respectively. 0.3 ppm is 0.03% of the fluid in the human body. The fluid is 70% of the total weight of a man or 60% of a woman, respectively. Knowing the weight and sex of the person is easy to calculate the concentration of alcohol in his/her blood.
The maximum concentration of alcohol in the blood is achieved approximately 30-120 minutes after drinking; then alcohol gradually begins to "weather off". The human body processes alcohol at an average rate of 7-10 grams per hour. Knowing this, it's easy to calculate when the blood alcohol concentration reaches an acceptable level again.
The following calculator will help you to know when you reach the normal level of alcohol in the blood:
If there is no certain beverage, you can add it to the handbook Alcohol used in this calculator.