The Phone Number Extractor
The phone number extractor calculator is a useful tool that extracts phone numbers from a large block of text.

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It saves time and effort as manually finding and noting down phone numbers from a long text can be a tedious task. With this calculator, all one needs to do is enter the text and the calculator then searches for all matches and lists them for viewing.
One of the most common formats for phone numbers is +1 or 8 (country code) followed by 10-digit phone number in a variety of formats, such as 89163325543, +19162341123, +1(916)2344433, 926 112 44 33, (926)123-22-11, and 495 444-55-55. To extract these phone numbers from a text, the calculator uses the regular expression +?(\d?)[\s-()]?(\d{3})[\s-()]?(\d{3})[\s-()]?(\d{2})[\s-()]?(\d{2})
This regular expression matches phone numbers that may or may not start with a plus sign, followed by one or more digit. The next three digits must be separated by either a space, dash, or parentheses, followed by the next three digits, also separated by a space, dash, or parentheses. The last two sets of two digits may also be separated by a space, dash, or parentheses. This regular expression covers most common phone number formats, but it may not match all possible variations.