MPG to L/100 km Conversion Calculator
This online calculator converts miles per gallon to liters per 100 kilometers

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When it comes to fuel efficiency, the units used to measure it can vary depending on the location. In the United States, miles per gallon (MPG) is commonly used to express fuel efficiency, while in Europe and many other countries, liters per 100 kilometers (L/100 km) is the standard unit.
To simplify the conversion between these units, we offer a MPG to L/100 km conversion calculator. This calculator accurately and efficiently converts miles per gallon to liters per 100 kilometers. It takes in the miles per gallon value and outputs the equivalent liters per 100 kilometers.
Having the ability to easily convert between these units is essential for anyone who frequently travels between countries or wants to compare fuel efficiency data.
The formula is easy
lpg - liters in a gallon, 1 default American gallon is 3.785 liters
kmpm - kilometers in a mile, 1 default American mile is 1.609 kilometers
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