Film calculator
Calculation of the film segment duration in frames, hours, minutes, seconds.
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We publish new series of film calculators for movies and TV. The first one calculates the length of a film segment in frames or hours, minutes, seconds, and frames depending on the initial and final time counter index and the number of frames per second. The counter value is defined by four numbers, separated by colons (hours, minutes, seconds, and frames). The last digit of the counter defines the number of frames which do not fall into a full second. The number of frames per second of the movie is 24; for TV, it depends on the television system: PAL/SECAM is only 25 frames per second, for NTSC - 30 (or more precisely - 29.97).
So we've counted the number of frames, and it is possible now to calculate the film segment length in meters. For this, use the following calculator:
It calculates the length of the film, depending on the pitch of the frame, which is taken for each type of film from a special directory:Film parameters, based on Wikipedia:Film stock