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Apparent length from angular size
This online calculator converts angular size of distant object to its apparent length, or, in other words, the length of obstacle needed to block that distant object from view, if obstacle placed at some known distance before our eyes.
Apparent temperature
This online calculator computes the apparent temperature, taking into consideration wind speed and relative air humidity. It uses the Australian Bureau of Meteorology formula
Arc length calculator
This universal online calculator can find arc length of circular segment by radius and angle, by chord and height and by radius and height.
Area Converter
This online calculator is designed to convert between different units of area.
Area de la Sombra de un Objeto
El área de la sombra se refiere a la de un objeto cuadrado o rectangular.
Area of a convex quadrilateral. Example of creating a calculator.
This online calculator calculates area of a convex quadrilateral given diagonal values and value of angle between them. Article also describes the process of creating a calculator.
Area of a quadrilateral
This article lists several calculators to compute the area of a quadrilateral
Area of a rectangle by coordinates
This online calculator calculates area of a convex quadrilateral (rectangles too) given coordinates of four vertices (corners)
Area of an irregular quadrangle with the given sides
Calculates an area of an irregular quadrangle with the given sides
Area of triangle by coordinates
This calculator determines the area of a triangle using its vertex coordinates in the cartesian coordinate system.
Area-to-Radius Calculator
This online calculator calculates the radius of a circle from the given area of a circle.
Arithmetic progression
This online calculator computes the last nth term of arithmetic progression and the sum of the members
Arithmetic sequence calculator and problems solver
This online calculator solves common arithmetic sequences problems.
Armenian calendar
This calculator converts a date to an Armenian calendar date and vice versa.
Atbash cipher
This calculator allows you to encrypt and decrypt text with Atbash method
Audio file waveform
The calculator displays the waveform of the input audio file fragment.
Audio Tone Generator Calculator
A waveform and frequency tone generator calculator with adjustable parameters such as frequency, amplitude, waveform type, and file format output.
Automated Vigenère cipher decoder
This online calculator provides aid in finding Vigenère cipher key if you can guess part of the encrypted text. It just automates some routine calculations, which you would perform manually otherwise.
Average Compressibility Factor, (dimensionless)
Is the average compressibility factor of the gas flowing through the pipeline
Average Pressure, psia
This is the average pressure in the pipe
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