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Polynomial Taylor Shift
The calculator evaluates Taylor shift of the given polynomial using Shaw and Traub algorithm.
Polynomial Multiplication Calculator
The polynomial multiplication calculator takes two univariate polynomials, each represented as a set of coefficients, and multiplies them together to generate the resulting polynomial.
Newton's method
This online calculator implements Newton's method (also known as the Newton–Raphson method) for finding the roots (or zeroes) of a real-valued function.
Polynomial Greatest Common Divisor
The calculator gives the greatest common divisor (GCD) of two input polynomials.
Squarefree polynomial factorization
The calculator extracts square factors from the input polynomial.
Polynomial root isolation
The calculators isolates real roots of the input univariate polynomial using Sturm and VAS-CF methods.
Polynomial roots
The calculator solves polynomial roots of any degree. For small degree polynomials analytic methods are applied, for 5-degree or higher the polynomial roots are estimated by numerical method.
Z-score / Standard score
This online calculator computes the standard score of a raw score from the given mean of the population and the standard deviation of the population.
This online calculator calculates p-value for one sided and two sided tests given the z-score
Circular segment - complete solution
The calculator solves arc length, area, angle, height, chord or radius of circular segment by two given parameters.
Tips and tricks #9: Big numbers
How to use big number input and PCR library.
Volume of the hemisphere cut at an angle
Volume of hemisphere asymmetrically cut by a flat plane under a given angle.
Volume of liquid in a tilted tank with hemispherical heads
Calculates volume of liquid in an inclined cylindrical tank with hemispherical ends.
Estimated Mean of a Population
This online calculator allows you to estimate mean of a population using given sample
Set Combinations Calculator
The calculator is a combination generator that creates all possible combinations of items from different sets, and lists them in a table with columns labeled by set names and rows representing each combination.
Tips and tricks #11: Dynamic table columns
This article describes how to work with dynamic columns in your calculator
Noisy function generator
This online calculator takes function, calculates its values for given range and then adds some random noise to distort original values.
Centered Moving Average
This online calculator calculates centered moving average, which is used instead of moving average then number of periods is even
Lagged Scatterplot Calculator
Visualize the Correlation in Time Series Data with Our Lagged Scatterplot Calculator
Time Series Decomposition
This online calculator decomposes time series by extracting seasonality and trend from data
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