Math Engineering Geometry Physics #exponentiation #geometry #life #math #time #trigonometry Astronomy Azimuth Chemistry Circumcircle Clausius-Clapeyron equation Computers Energy Engineering calculators GCD Mendeleev-Clapeyron equation more...Raoult's Second law Raoult's second law Sun Sun position Thermodynamics Units converters altitud altitude altitude above horizon angle arccosecant arccosine arccotangent arcsecant arcsine arctangent area artillery atmospheric pressure atomic mass barometric pressure boiling boiling point caliber calories cannon city converters cos cosec cosecant cosine cotangent crystallization temperature ctg date calculator day day calculator day counter daytime decimal density dram electronvolt euclidean algorithm excsc exsec freezing temperature gram gramm greatest common divisor gun haversin height hemisphere history horsepower per hour howitzer hundredweight inch inches inverse trigonometric functions joules kilocalories kilogram kilogram force per meter kilogramm kilowatt hour kilowatt-hour lateral surface area lb lbs libra mass molar mass non-electrolyte solutions numeral systems ounce oz perfect solution period calculator periodic table pound pounds power pressure regular polygon root sea level sec secant sin sine solution spherical cap spherical sector spherical segment stone sunrise sunset surface area tangent tg the periodic table time zone ton trigonometry trou ounce troy ounce true solutions twilight units of measurement vercos vercosin versin volume water weight less

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How many days are there between two dates?
This day calculator counts the number of days between two dates. It does not include the last day, so, there is 1 day between today and tomorrow, not 2.
Altitude Boiling Point Calculator
This online calculator calculates the boiling temperature of water based on the atmospheric pressure in millimeters of mercury or the altitude above the sea level.
Spherical cap and spherical segment
This calculator computes volume and surface area of spherical cap and spherical segment
Spherical sector
Calculates surface area and volume of Spherical sector by radius and height
Regular Circumcircle Polygon Area Calculator
The calculator calculates the area of a regular polygon given the circumradius and number of sides and displays it along with the area of the circumcircle.
Sunrise and sunset calculator
Sunrise/Sunset calculation for given latitude and longitude or for given city. Source: Almanac for Computers, 1990 published by Nautical Almanac Office United States Naval ObservatoryWashington, DC 20392
Trigonometric functions
This online calculator computes the values of elementary trigonometric functions, such as sin, cos, tg, ctg, sec, cosec for an angle, which can be set in degrees, radians, or grads.
Root and power
This calculator outputs desired root and power of entered number
Azimuth and solar elevation angle
Calculation of azimuth and solar elevation angle by given the coordinates and time of observation. It's possible to input coordinates manually or by selecting from the directory of cities.
The greatest common divisor of two integers
This calculator determines the greatest common divisor of two integers using Euclidean algorithm
Inverse trigonometric functions
This calculator determines values of inverse trigonometric functions (arcsine, arccosine, arctangent, arccotangent, arcsecant, arccosecant) and outputs it with different measurement units (degrees, radians, minutes, etc)
Molar Mass Calculator
Calculate the molar mass of a substance given its chemical formula. The calculator also provides information on the individual elements in the formula.
Integer to Other Numeral System Converter
The "Integer to Numeral System Converter" calculator allows the user to convert an integer from decimal numeral system to any other positional numeral system.
Pounds to kilograms conversion and vice versa
This online calculator can be used for conversion of kilograms to pounds, ounces and grains as they are used in USA or UK.
Calculation of weight by volume
Calculating the weight by the volume of material with matter density reference book
Volume-to-Weight Converter
This online calculator calculates the weight of a substance based on its volume and density.
Weight-to-Volume Calculator
This calculator takes the weight of the substance in kilograms and allows you to choose the substance from a handbook of densities. It then calculates the volume of the substance and displays it in liters and cubic meters. Additionally, it shows the radius of the sphere in meters and the side of the cube in meters that the substance would form if it were compressed into those shapes.
Conversion of pounds into inches
Conversion of old pounds artillery caliber into more modern inches and millimeters
Raoult's Second law and the freezing temperature.
Calculation of boiling point and crystallization (freezing) of non-electrolyte solutions.
Energy Unit Converter: Joules, Kilowatt-Hours, Kilogram-Force per Meter, Horsepower per Hour, Kilocalories
This is an energy units converter calculator that can convert between joules, kilowatt-hours, kilogram force per meter, horsepower per hour, and kilocalories.
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