The limit of the function at the given point
This calculator calculates the limit of the function at a given point numerically. It calculates the limit of the function well as x approaches to the specified value. It's not suitable for calculating the limits when x goes to infinity.

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According to the numerous requests of our users, we publish the calculator calculates the limit of one variable at a given point. The calculator calculates the limit with the approximate numerical method, which does not allow us to calculate the limit in the case when the argument goes to infinity. Details as usually follow the calculator.
Number A is function limit of y=f(x), where х->x0, as for all the values of x, very little different from the number x0, the corresponding values of the function f(x) arbitrarily different from the number of A.
The performance of our calculator is based on this definition of the function limit.
For the limit calculation, we just simply calculate the value of the function at point slightly different from the given. Saying slightly, I mean the limit value that extremely little different (as much as it possible for our computing system) from the given point. To obtain such an extremely small value, we take some small value and reduce it with bisectional method until the value of the function at the point, different from that given point by a small value, is determined.
As a result of the penultimate calculation, we get the limit of our function.
This method requires some computing power because the value of the function computed several hundred times. But since all the calculations of our calculators are made on the user's computer, the responsibility for these computation powers we shift on your shoulders, dear visitors of our site :)