URL Domain Name Frequency Calculator

The calculator takes a list of URLs as input and extracts the domain name part from each URL. It then counts the number of occurrences for each unique domain name and displays the results in descending order.

This page exists due to the efforts of the following people:



Created: 2018-04-18 14:26:42, Last updated: 2023-04-04 16:56:19
Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 (Unported)

This content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License 3.0 (Unported). That means you may freely redistribute or modify this content under the same license conditions and must attribute the original author by placing a hyperlink from your site to this work https://planetcalc.com/7786/. Also, please do not modify any references to the original work (if any) contained in this content.

This tool is useful for analyzing website traffic and identifying popular websites. It can also be used for SEO purposes, as it helps to identify popular backlinks and potential link-building opportunities.

The domain name extraction process involves parsing the input URLs and extracting the domain name part, which is the part of the URL that identifies the website. The tool then creates a dictionary object to store the domain name counts and iterates over the list of domain names to count their occurrences. The final result is a sorted list of domain names and their respective counts.

PLANETCALC, Extract domain names from URLs and count unique names

Extract domain names from URLs and count unique names

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PLANETCALC, URL Domain Name Frequency Calculator
