Aztec Numerals: Decimal to Aztec Number Converter

Translate decimal numbers into Aztec numbers using this calculator. The Aztec numeral system is based on 20 and uses specific symbols for each power of 20.

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Created: 2022-08-24 13:40:39, Last updated: 2023-05-27 13:59:22
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Using the calculator

Enter a decimal number in the "Decimal number" field, and the calculator will convert it into the corresponding Aztec number. The Aztec numeral system is additive, meaning the order of symbols is not important. In this system, symbols represent units, twenties, four hundreds, and eight thousands. Please note that the Aztecs did not have a zero symbol.

PLANETCALC, Aztec numerals

Aztec numerals

Aztec number

Aztec Numeral System

The Aztec numeral system is based on 20 and uses specific symbols for each power of 20.



Four hundred
Four hundred

Eight thousand
Eight thousand

The symbols used are1:

  • Dots for units
  • Flags for twenties
  • Trees for four hundreds
  • Ceremonial pouches for eight thousands

In the Aztec numeral system, the order of symbols is not significant. Each symbol represents a specific value, and the numbers are expressed by combining these symbols. It is important to note that the Aztecs did not have a symbol for zero.

With this calculator, you can easily convert decimal numbers into Aztec numbers, gaining insights into the Aztec numeral system and its unique representation of quantities.

  1. Ancient civilizations of Mexica and Central America by Herbert J. Spinden, New York, 1917. p. 201 

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