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How many hours between two days
This calculator helps you calculate how many hours between two days, for example, between Monday 8 a.m and Wednesday, 6 p.m.
Clean & Sober Time Tracker
The Sobriety Clock calculator is a powerful tool designed to track and display your journey of sobriety with remarkable precision.
This online calculator calculates how much time has passed since specified date and time down to the second.
Convert days to years, months, and days
This calculator converts a number of days to a number of years, months, and days in the month.
How many months are there between two dates?
This online calculator calculates how many months are there between two dates.
Date weeks out or before
This online calculator adds or subtracts given number of weeks to or from a given date.
Time difference
The calculator gives a time difference in hours or minutes between two selected time zones for the current date and time.
Time between two dates with time zone
To calculate number of days, hours, minutes and seconds between two dates with time zones.
Date calculator
Date plus or minus date parts (years, months, days, weeks, hours, minutes, seconds), time zone conversion.
World Time Calculator
This calculator allows you to see the current time in various cities and locations around the world, or to convert a specific date and time for your own location into the corresponding time in other cities. It takes into account the time zone differences between locations and factors in daylight saving time where applicable.
Weeks to months
This online calculator converts given number of weeks to approximate number of months and days in the month
Gregorian date to Hebrew date
The calculator converts Gregorian calendar date/time to Hebrew calendar date time
Gregorian date to 365 days calendar
The calculator converts Gregorian date to the 365 day calendar date. The calendar has 12 months with 30 days each and 1 month with 5 days.
Ancient Egyptian Calendar
The calculator converts an Ancient Egyptian date to Gregorian date and vice versa.
Hebrew calendar
The calculator converts dates from Hebrew calendar to Gregorian and vice versa.
Jarvis march
This online calculator computes the convex hull of a given set of points using Jarvis march algorithm, aka Gift wrapping algorithm
Timeline Midnight Converter
This calculator accepts the length of a period, as well as the length of the whole timeline. It then converts the length of the period into minutes to midnight, related to the whole timeline as if it took place over the course of a single day.
Time percentage
The calculator converts time to percent and vice versa.
Dynamical Time difference
The calculator plots TD time difference approximation for given time period
Time scales
This calculator represents time in different time scales.
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