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Area of a quadrilateral
This article lists several calculators to compute the area of a quadrilateral
Function approximation with regression analysis
This online calculator uses several regression models for approximation of an unknown function given by a set of data points.
Cramer's Rule Linear Equations Solver
This online calculator takes a system of linear equations and applies Cramer's rule to solve it, showing all intermediate steps in the process.
The General Solution of a System of Linear Equations using Gaussian elimination
This online calculator solves a system of linear algebraic equations using the Gaussian elimination method. It produces the result whether you have a unique solution, an infinite number of solutions, or no solution. It also outputs the result in floating point and fraction format.
Lottery Number Generator
This calculator generates a specified number of random integers within a given range.
Сomputer algebra
Derives a formula from input formulas and input data to calculate remained parameters
Gaussian elimination with fractions
This online calculator solves systems of linear equations using row reduction (Gaussian elimination) while retaining fractions on all calculation stages. At the end, it returns the results in two forms - as a floating point numbers and as a fractions (with numerator and denominator)
Generator of combinations that satisfy a condition
For elements with weights this calculator can filter out all combinations where total weight is under the specified limit.
Bernoulli trials table
This online calculator calculates probability of k success outcomes in n Bernoulli trials with given success event probability for each k from zero to n.
Tips and tricks #8: How to reuse existing calculator
This article describes process of reusing another calculator's logic (algorithm) in your calculator.
Gaps and missing numbers finder
This online calculator helps you find gaps and missing numbers in an integer sequence.
How many circles of radius r fit in a bigger circle of radius R
This calculator estimates how many circles of radius r can be placed inside another circle of radius R.
Angle in degrees to time units and vice versa
This online calculator converts angle between degrees and time units (i.e. hours).
Urn probability simulator
This calculator simulates the urn (or box with colored balls) often used for probability problems, and can calculate probabilities of different events.
Bayes’ theorem
This online calculator calculates posterior probabilities according to Bayes’ theorem.
Mean, variance and standard deviation of discrete random variable
This online calculator calculates the mean, variance, and standard deviation of random variables entered in the form of a value-probability table.
Function Plotter
The calculator plots entered functions on the single coordinate plane.
Quartic equation solution
This calculator produces quartic equation solution using resolvent cubic.
Complex polynomial value calculation
The calculator evaluates polynomial value. The polynomial coefficients can be either real or complex.
Polynomial division
This calculator divides one polynomial by another polynomial.
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