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Number of Days in a Year Calculator Determine the number of days in a given year, taking into account leap years. |
Ideal weight calculator using Paul Broca formula Ideal weight calculator using Paul Broca formula |
Ideal Weight Calculator The Body Mass Index (BMI) calculator is used to calculate the ideal weight of an individual based on their height and weight. |
The basal metabolic rate This calculator computes BMR calories |
Lorenc Ideal Weight Calculator The calculator on the page is designed to estimate an individual's ideal weight based on their height. It uses the Lorenc formula, which is a widely used equation to calculate the estimated healthy weight range for a person based on their height. |
Brunhard's formula ideal weight calculator Another ideal weight formula from the Internet - Brunhard's formula. It requires the knowledge of chest circumference. According to the formula, ideal weight equals height multiplied by chest circumference and divided by 240. |
Nagler's Ideal Weight Calculator Nagler's formula is a method used to calculate an individual's ideal body weight based on their height, age, and gender. |
Body proportionality Calculates the body proportionality by several body parameters |
Body Proportions Calculator This calculator calculates the grace index of a person's figure based on their chest, waist, hip, and thigh measurements. |
Total time calculator This calculator is useful for fast time addition, you just enter time entries in hh mm ss format and the calculator gives you the sum of there time entries |
Day of the week for a given date This online calculator shows the day of the week for a given date |
Proportional Body Calculator: McCallum's Formula Discover the concept of body proportionality with McCallum's Formula. |
Body fat calculator - YMCA formula This calculator uses weight and waist measurements to calculate body fat percentage with YMCA formula. |
Weathering of alcohol concentration in the blood Calculates the time needed for weathering of alcohol in the blood to a normal level |
Shoe size comparison This calculator converts european shoe size to its english and US counterparts. |
How many days are there between two dates? This day calculator counts the number of days between two dates. It does not include the last day, so, there is 1 day between today and tomorrow, not 2. |
Sunrise and sunset calculator Sunrise/Sunset calculation for given latitude and longitude or for given city. Source: Almanac for Computers, 1990 published by Nautical Almanac Office United States Naval ObservatoryWashington, DC 20392 |
Azimuth and solar elevation angle Calculation of azimuth and solar elevation angle by given the coordinates and time of observation. It's possible to input coordinates manually or by selecting from the directory of cities. |
Date plus days This online calculator adds or subtracts a given number of days to or from a given date. |
Puppy Weight Calculator for Medium, Large and Very Large Breeds The calculator takes the age of a puppy in months and its breed, either medium, large, or very large, and calculates the recommended weight in kilograms and as a percentage of the adult dog's weight. |